Being in Balance!



Welcome to Essential You
I believe we need to be an advocate for our own health.
My name is Joanne Wilhelm and I own Essential You!
I live in Hanover, Ontario with my husband Bob. I retired from my career as a hairstylist in 2016 so I could focus more on educating others with Natural Health options.
I started learning about natural health options when my husband was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy. I was looking for something to support his symptoms and I found doTerra Essential Oils. These precious oils are natures medicine and I couldn’t believe how effective they are without the side effects of medication. This started me on a path to learn more about how our body can heal itself.
I have learned that when you put the body in the right environment, your body will heal.
The more I learned, the more I wanted to know. I have gone on to become certified in BodyTalk (a health care system), Reiki, NLP, reflexology, access bars, ATT, just to name a few. I have seen miraculous healing and my passion continues to thrive.
Essential You is committed to supporting health and wellness.

My son has type 1 diabetes as well as kidney disease and mental health with a diagnosis at 9 years of age of ADD After working with Joanne The kidney Dr. as well as the Diabetic team in London have been blown away at his test results. The Dr. even said to my son you even look different. Friends and family have been asking why such a profound change . His reply was I guess I am happy. I have never felt that before We both look forward to continuing our journey with Joanne. Neither of us will do life without Joanne. Best investment we ever made.”
Forever grateful,