Goat Milk and Honey



24 in stock



This is one of my favourite bars. With Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Caster Oil, Goat Milk and Honey, it is jammed pack with goodness. Very luxurious soap with so many great nutrients and cleansing properties with a rich lather.

I added Cassia Essential Oil, a relative to Cinnamon which dates back to biblical times. Cassia has been known to promote healthy digestion and support the immune system. I just love the aroma.

Emotionally Cassia is the oil of Self-Assurance. It brings courage to the heart and soul. Excellent if you feel timid or shy. I love Cassia as it invites us to see our true self.

All ingredients are natural, with no synthetic fragrance or colour.  I only use Essential Oils that support your health and wellness.

Check out the ingredients to avoid any known allergies.

Hand made soaps last longer if they don’t sit in water.  Use a soap dish that allows water to drain or a soap saver bag.